Thursday, 22 May 2014

Twisted Endings by Timothy McLendon

Title: Twisted Endings
Author: Timothy McLendon
Read Type: Indie published

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Five mystery and suspense short stories with unexpected endings. One man’s patience will be tested at an amusement park. One man will be the judge of life and death. One group will determine the best way to fight crime. One boy will decide how to beat the school bullies. One man will attempt to reunite with the family that betrayed him. One woman will find a way to deal with the desecration of her body

You can purchase a copy of this book from Amazon UK and Amazon US

You can find out more about the author on Facebook

I received a free copy of this book in return for an unbiased review

Strong language: None
Drugs: None
Violence: Some, Semi-graphic
Sexual content: None

The teacup lady 4/5
This story started with an interesting and sweet point of view of a dad trying to make his daughter happy, while simultaneously suffering from the heat. I found it a bit heavy in metaphors in places, but something I felt was balanced by the latter part. It had a good, and I felt unpredictable, ending.

Bitter Water 3/5
A man gets an offer to move to a new town with a job, home etc included. After a gift basket arrives he goes to the shop it came from, meeting a creepy old man who owns it. This man tells a story, believability of the telling aside, I felt it meandered and was predictable.

Neighbourhood Watch 4/5
Fast paced pithy dialogue, but in the opening scene I felt there weren't enough tags to say who was saying what, meaning I got confused about one character's opinion. A good story, I particularly liked the twist.

The Amazing Flea Circus 3.5/5
This was fairly mundane and predictable for the large part. A family go to a flea circus and the least willing participant in the room is picked as an assistant. There were a few small surprises, but overall you could see where it was coming from quite early.

I did particularly like the writing style of this story though, particularly the line:
The thing looked like it was from the 1800s and still had the original dust.

The Rock Toss 5/5
First page: a lovely refreshing family scene – this will never end well!
And I was right. It ended so very very bad, for the characters anyway. For little old me, the reader it was a smooth treat.

Overall this was a great little anthology. Some of the twists were obvious from the start, but in most cases this didn't reduce the enjoyment. The writing was crisp, if occasionally sacrificing emotion or depth to keep the stories short.

I look forward to reading the sequel.

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